If you are having a web site created for your company it is very important that you choose the website design firm that will do the web site for you very carefully. your site is the face of your business to the internet. In the event the web site is actually terribly designed then you're likely to lose a lot of clients. Here are a few things to make sure your website design firm is not likely to do.
You have to make certain your website design firm appreciates the internet community. A searcher is generally really impatient. They don't want to wait for web sites to load. In the event your website takes longer than 30 seconds to load you've probably lost your possible client. This reasoning does not count for an image gallery. People are prepared to wait for pictures to load, so long as it does not take more than a few minutes, however, not for written content like the homepage.
Then there is the issue of navigation. If you manage to locate a great website design firm they will make you a website that is easy to get around for most people, but you do need to cater to the less than typical browser, the complete novice. So you should have your navigation menus on every page, in the header or a sidebar is best, and a link to your homepage on each and every web page just to make sure they are able to return to your home page. The best websites are always simple to get around for individuals of every level of internet expertise.
You also need to be cautious what colours you tell your website design firm to use. The good ones will tell you if a color mixture is going to be good or not. For example, don't use pink on a green background, it simply makes the text unreadable or at least very hard to read.
You also need to make sure they use a typeface size that is big enough. Not everybody has got the vision of a young twenty year old. Old individuals browse the web as well. Make sure that you can read the written text in your website from a good distance away.
If you are having an e-commerce website developed, make sure that the website design firm you use has experience creating this kind of site. The entire process needs to be as easy as possible and the possible purchaser needs to be guided from the start to the end of the whole procedure. If you leave a client speculating they'll be more likely to simply close the web page and leave. In addition, it wouldb e a good idea to make sure a verification number is made available to the client so they know that their order was captured correctly and they also may track their purchase status.
Creativeness in a web site is a good thing, but you do need to make sure you keep your customers in mind when you get creative.
By: Jayden Solle