Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Very Basics Of Search Engine Optimisation

If you have heard about search engine optimisation before and wonder how it can help your online business then this article is for you. Moving away from the old way of commerce, most business transactions happen online. In order for your business to be a success you need to be familiar with how search engine work.

Search Engines

A search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web contains all sorts of information, on any subject imaginable, you can find pictures, information and web pages. The use of search engines is the way we access that information. The search engine obeys the users command by going in search of all relative information on the WWW. The search engine will present the searcher with pages of results called hits. The top search engines are Google followed by Yahoo and Bing.


Keywords are the words which the user or searcher uses, which tells the search engine what it is looking for. Without keywords the search engine is dormant. Keywords can be anything from one word to a phrase. Most people will use the same set of keywords when looking for a piece of information, a product or a service. This is where the study of search engine optimisation begins. Just remember that keywords are key!


Ranking is the numeric position on the results list. Search engine optimisation is about getting about getting your website high on the ranking list. Spot number one being the goal of every company.

Search Engine Optimisation

There are about 3-5 billion web sites on the internet. Not all of them are about selling services or products but a large percentage is. Now can you imagine how many people in the world are selling a similar product or service to yours online? Search engine optimisation is about making your website relevant to search engines so that larger amounts of traffic can be driven to your site.

Targeted web traffic is very important, because it means that the people who come to your site specifically look for your product. These people have specifically searched for the product or service which you supply, via the search engine and happened to come across your business based on where you fall in the rankings. By understand what people search for, search engine optimisation specialists develop your website with SEO strategies.

Search Engine Optimisation strategies employ these methods:
? Keyword research
? Keyword rich text
? Link development
? Page set up
? Page content

Search engine optimisation strategy is a carefully thought out plan based on:
? Objectives of the company
? Target market

Once there is a clear strategy in place the specialist can begin to make your website more attractive to passers by using the above mentioned strategies.

Online competition is fierce as you are competing with possibly thousands of people to get the highest ranking for your particular product. In order to get the best results for your business you need to speak to the professionals in the field of search engine optimisation.